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3-3 RE: TODOS SANTOS POPULATION - My name is Dr. Alberto Palacios. I am one of the three new doctors at the Centro de Salud (Health Care Center) here in Todos Santos. We are here performing our Social Service (as the final requisite to obtain our medical degree, having already passed our professional exam). As part of our job this year (and that of all those who preceded us) we have to deliver at the end of the year a Report on the state of Public Health in Todos Santos. Part of that report is to describe in detail the population that resides here. All this data comes from the web page of a governmental agency called INEGI (National Institute of Geography, Statistics and Computer Science), which reports all of this information on the internet for free and open to the general public. (Just in case you decide to check it out for yourself). Anyway, according to last year's report (by Dr. Jesús Martínez), the statistics for Todos Santos for 2006 are as follows:

General population (only Mexican residents of Todos Santos) 4,533 (this number is very precise) - 2,174 males (51%) 2,091 females (49%). Percentage of economically active residents (between 18 and 65 years of age): 57% (this number is unusually high for a town in a third world country)

Immigrant population: people who come to work in Todos Santos for several months (from Oaxaca, Guerrero, Veracruz and Sinaloa mainly) AND foreign nationals who reside in Todos Santos (mainly from USA, Canada, and Italy) 3,467 (this number is an estimate), of which it is estimated that 1,500 are the number of foreign nationals currently residing in Todos Santos (year round or for several months at a time)

So you see, THAT'S why the numbers vary so greatly. No one really knows how many people live in Todos Santos. However, with this information, taken from a VERY reliable source (i.e. the INEGI) we can estimate that, at any given time, there are approximately 6,000 people living in and around Todos Santos, of which half are between the ages of 18 and 65, and which are divided pretty equally between men and women.

I hope this information is useful to you. If you need more, just look for the INEGI's website, or get in touch with me directly. I'll be glad to help. For medical assistance, myself or the other two doctors (Dr. Carlos Colin and Dr. Helvin Soriano) are at your service 24/7 all year round, and until the 31st of January, 2008, here at the Health Care Center. Take care! - Dr. Alberto Palacios García, chip2_82 ( -a t- )

03-10-07 DROWNING AT LA POZA: - Monday afternoon a 31 year old tourist drowned at La Poza beach in front of the mouth of the Lagoon. He had been playing with his girlfriend's 8 year old son along the dune where the lagoon had begun to overflow. Suddenly the dune broke and the small stream widened to a fifty feet wide wall of water as the lagoon emptied millions of gallons of water into the ocean. He managed to get the child to safety but was pulled under by the currents. This is the third drowning death at the La Poza beach in less than a year.

  • - When the lagoon is full exercise extreme caution, especially if it has begun to overflow.
  • - Do not attempt to surf or boogie-board the overflow.
  • - Do not swim in the lagoon when it is close to overflow -do not walk or drive across the mouth of the lagoon if it is even close to overflow.
  • - If you are going to swim in the lagoon be very careful. The lagoon may appear to be shallow, but has many sudden drop-offs and is actually very deep.

- Elena Moreno

GIFT CARD THEFT WARNING - If you buy Gift Cards from a display rack that has various store cards you may become a victim of theft. Crooks are now jotting down the card numbers in the store and then wait a few days and call to see how much of a balance THEY have on the card. Once they find the card is "activated", and then they go online and start shopping. You may want to purchase your card from a customer service person, where they do not have the Gift Cards viewable to the public. - Betty Kryszewski. Check out my (formerly) Mexican Mutts looking for new families!!,

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